Podcast and Mad Ninja Skills

Jeni and I have been featured on Massage Business Blueprint’s podcast with the subject being “What you need to know before you take a CE class.” In the interview, we discuss our history into how we became massage therapists and forayed into the careers we have now.

We also go over various points of our experience in having taught for so many years and what therapists should expect before even signing up for a class.

Sadly, because the podcast is only 34 minutes and not a lot longer, we had a lot of points that we wanted to cover but weren’t able to get to. That’s ok, though, because we’ll save those for another blog post.

We’ve got the podcast link below the video. Oh, and feel free to make fun of my ninja skills. ?

Listen to the podcast.

More information on our barefoot massage training CE classes can be found here.

Sharing is caring!

10 ridiculously easy ways to be more successful

Sometimes when we want to have more clients or improve our income, we spend lots of time thinking of ways to get people into the office. How can you be more successful? Maybe you run sales or send clever email campaigns. Perhaps you offer packages and VIP incentives.

These are all fantastic ways to bring clients back.

But have you ever examined what’s going on “in house” with YOU?

Sadly, massage therapists often have the bad rap of being unreliable. We know plenty of the LMT flakes-they don’t show up for work because the wrong president won or they need to commune with nature on short notice or it’s 70 and sunny. Maybe it’s simply because they can’t be bothered with coming in to work for “only one client”.

You may do great at ALL of these intuitively. We hope so!

All of these 10 tips are common sense. But take a few moments to read them and see if there’s something you can tweak in YOU.

Why a barefoot massage membership site

When Jeni, Paul, and I started this little business of ours a year ago (happy anniversary to us!) we spent a lot of time visioning and planning how we could make our barefoot massage company different from others. Not only in the strokes and how we teach, but in our post-class support. A barefoot massage membership site made sense.

It would be a place for our community to review strokes, download marketing and business materials, ideas on how to better run their massage studio and more.

I’ve been doing barefoot massage since 2002, and Jeni was shortly behind me in 2003.

Together with our instructors, we’ve learned so much about what helps barefoot therapists.

By the same token we’ve also discovered what also prevents other skilled therapists who have learned ashiatsu from actually doing it in their studio and growing a business.

Transitioning your clients to barefoot massage

Once you’ve learned barefoot massage and have practiced, sometimes the biggest challenge is how the heck you get your clients to try it. Let’s talk about the transition to ashiatsu barefoot massage.

The question recently came up in our FB alumni group, so we thought this might be a question that others have as well.

First off, you must practice and accept feedback from non-paying clients about your newfound barefoot skills. Why non-paying? Because if you are fantastic at hands-on massage but only mediocre, at best, from having recently learned ashiatsu, your clients will not love your new skills.

They’ll say, “Thanks, but I’ll stick with what I know and love” or some similar jargon that will deflate you and make you wonder what you’re doing wrong.

Membership site & Valentine’s Day downloadables

Our Center for Barefoot Massage membership site is now live in beta testing! There are different levels based on what classes you’ve taken with us. And we’ve even got a free level even if you haven’t taken our classes. Yes, sometimes you get something for nothing. 😀

Today we’re adding another bonus: free downloadables for Valentine’s Day.

Unboxing the Earthlite table cover

There was a big discussion recently on a Facebook massage group that I’m in, and it was about the sanitation of massage tables. Some people really think we need to be a little more operating room ready and make sure our tables are completely sanitized prior to replacing our linens.

One massage therapist went so far as to say that if she’s getting a massage, she will look underneath the sheets to see if there is a sanitize-able (I think I made up that word) protector under the fitted sheet. If not, she will walk out the door.

I did go to school a long time ago (graduated 19 years ago), and we never discussed anything like this, at least to the best of my knowledge. We did talk about wiping off the tables and of course using clean linens for each client!

At the time, I had been interested in sports massage, so I bought a waterproof table cover. But the material felt like an outdoor tarp. And it was boxy. There is no way you could put sheets on top of it.

Cozy fleece pads can be washed, but it’s unlikely that they are typically changed between clients. My Earthlite deluxe heating pad has the wires inside the fleece, so it can’t be washed. It can only be spot cleaned.

So I did a little research and came across the Earthlite professional table cover. 

10 easy ways to get your clients to say “YES!” to barefoot massage

So you’ve taken the first step and learned a beginner’s level ashiatsu barefoot massage. Practice and feedback make perfect, so you’ve listened to your practice clients’ constructive criticism and have achieved a certain level of comfort in your barefoot bodywork. But how do you transition your clients to barefoot massage?

Many of us hate the thought of marketing ourselves because we hope that the public will somehow know how fantastic we are (because we put out good vibes, right?).

Maybe you’re worried that because you live in Podunksville that people will think you’re weird for using your feet to massage.

But in your heart and sole 😉 you know that barefoot massage is the best way to give your clients the deep tissue massage they need without hurting yourself. It’s the only way you’ll be able to successfully continue your massage practice for years to come.

Are you excited about the work? Clients will quickly absorb your enthusiasm! Here’s what Sara Newberry Clavenna had to say about her transition.

I went full on ashi all the time. My clients were mostly excited/intrigued which really fueled even more of my excitement. It really helped that I was super stoked before I went to the training.

Dawn Dotson had the same approach, saying she “started the hype” before she went to class proceeded to incorporate it with her clients right away. Importantly, she also “proceeded to get feedback. I spent a good 30 extra minutes on feedback and follow-up after each session.”

Another experienced massage therapist did the same, “I simply told my clients we were doing a new thing and that was that.”

Importantly, they did not charge more for barefoot massage, because they had already figured out it was the key to career longevity.

Using Canva for your massage biz

While text is king for SEO (search engine optimization), infographics (and video) rock by bringing attention to a Facebook post or blog. Using Canva to create blog headers or social media posts (like Instagram and Twitter) is a super easy way to bring attention to your massage biz. Best of all, it’s FREE!

If you don’t have an account, set one up.


Have business partners or people you work with who would like to use the same templates? No worries-you can add a “team”!

This is what Jeni and Mary-Claire often do when trading who does the “Wow Wednesday” or “Selfie Saturday” posts on Facebook and Instagram. It creates a consistent feel between posts versus random designs.

3 top free email marketing programs for massage therapists

Emailing your massage clients periodically should be a given, like Marketing 101.  You can send them monthly tips about health or something interesting, and you can also let them know your upcoming openings or changes in your schedule. But how do you do that without emailing each person individually?

An email marking service is the best way to go. You can either use plain text for a simple email (apparently, your clients’ inboxes are less likely to send them to spam that way. Read more about that here). You can also design something nice (which is what we do) that will mesh with your website.

We are going to skip over the paid versions because if you’re just learning about this now, a free version will probably suffice nicely.