BAREFOOT MASSAGE OPEN 2.3: #Mobility Week 3

Barefoot Massage Therapists need a good amount of strength and flexibility in their hips – which is where mobility exercises that help to create a balance between the two concepts come into play. This week, it’s time to work on those hips! Resistance bands are a great way to strengthen muscles without causing too much stress, so grab your band and get started.


Here’s our Week #3 Mobility challenge from Dawn: HIPS!

Watch the video and work on this for the next week!




* Flex your target knee to 90 degrees.
* Maintaining your sit bone to the floor, allow target leg to lower towards the floor into your max internal rotation.
* Passively stretch by pushing the knee further towards the floor.
* Aim for 10-15 second contractions


* Laying flat on your back, keep toes towards the ceiling and hands by your side.
* Place the band around your foot and pull towards you keeping tension during the release as well.
* Hold for 10-15 seconds and slowly release.


* Grab a kettlebell and get into a deep, wide squat.
* Keep your kettlebell close to your chest and don’t let your body sink in front of you.
* Turn to one side and bring one knee to the floor while keeping your other foot strongly planted.
* Return to center and hold your squat
* Turn to the opposite side and let your other knee touch the floor.
* Return to center and hold square

Got questions about how to do these exercises?

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barefoot massage open 2.3 mobility challenge

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