Massage Business Help

Every massage business could use help at one point or another.  Most of the massage industry is comprised of a single owner model or a partnership of 4 or less hustling together to get all of the businesses daily tasks accomplished.  Either way, there is generally more that needs to be done than there is time to accomplish it all.  —  This area of our blog will be dedicated to helping single and small business owners get the most out of their days with great tools and tips for creating or continuing to run a thriving massage business.

Ashiatsu Business help

Links to various business aides will be coming soon.

The area’s to be covered:

The Importance of Video in your marketing

Social media tools

Running a quality email campaign

Massage – Business Info

Defining how you are different than the next massage therapist

more coming…

What do massage therapists want information on?   No, that’s not rhetorical.  Seriously, what do you, as a massage therapist, want help with — what questions do you want answers to?  Let us know below.