Using heat in conjunction with barefoot massage

Almost ALL of us love to be warm when we get a massage. There’s something so comforting about even just lying down on a heated massage table. It’s like stepping into a warm bubble bath, knowing you relaxation is going to commence immediately.

Using heat in your massage

Have you ever dabbled with using heat for a massage? Maybe you’ve played around using a heating pad to keep your clients feet warm, or set a small oscillating heater to blow warm air on your clients.

Perhaps you’ve draped warm Mother Earth pillows over an aching joint or shoulders, because you know how good that feels.

(As I write this, I’m alternating a Mother Earth flax pillow between my lap and my shoulders. Ahh…)

Let’s talk about the benefits of heat.

Physiologically, heat increases blood circulation, which delivers into the cells oxygen and nutrients and yet also removes wastes from the cells.

The benefits of the use of heat in conjunction with massage are abundant.

It can:

✓ Increase range of motion
✓ Decrease muscle spasm
✓ Relieve soreness
✓ Relax tense muscles
✓ Reduce stiffness
✓ Alleviate anxiety
✓ Increase tissue elasticity
✓ Reduce pain via sedation and soothing of pain-irritated nerve endings
✓ Promotes healing by stimulating the body’s natural metabolic rate

Sounds amazing, doesn’t it?

We’ve written a number of blog posts about using heat, from using a heating pad to warm up your feet to  warming up your pillow.  I’m quite a fan of being warm during my barefoot massage!

Now, think of different ways you can use heat in your barefoot massage session.

We’ve got one heck of an amazing idea, and we’ll tell you more verrrrry soon!


Until then, we’d love it if you would like, share, and comment on our post.

What do you love most about warmth during your barefoot massage (other massages count, too. 😉 ) ?

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